3 Quotes & Sayings By Cory Obrien

Cory O'Brien has been writing since the age of 15. Her short stories, poetry and novels have appeared in magazines, anthologies and e-zines. She's the author of the novel, "Black Market", published by HarperCollins. Cory teaches creative writing at The New School in New York City.

See, this is what the United States of America is all about. You can wrestle a thousand bears and chew on a billion knives but in the end, you are only as good as the dude who stops you from dying of a gunshot while fucking a coyote. Cory OBrien
Like, a flood seems like a great way to punish every living creature in the world except for fish. What the hell is a god supposed to do when all the FISH start being assholes? Cory OBrien